
Recent Works
magazine articles & features

Biphobia: Deal With It. Hollywood Progressive, in partnership with @rewritethebiline. December 23, 2023.
Flamingo Rampant. (Season five roundup review.) ETFO Voice. Winter 2022.
Equity and Human Rights in the Virtual Classroom. ETFO Voice. Winter 2020
Digital Edition with Art.
What my dad’s coming out taught me about my own identity. Xtra Magazine. June 8, 2020.
Do anti-bullying days really help LGBTQ2 youth? Xtra Magazine. April 8, 2020.
Book Review: I Promise. ETFO Voice. Winter 2019.
This is why young children need to explore gender identity in the classroom. Today's Parent. August 23, 2019.
Why social conservatives keep talking about ‘parental rights’. Xtra Magazine. May 16, 2019.
Flamingo Rampant. ETFO Voice. Spring 2019.
Digital Edition with Art.
When abuse and bullying are normalized. Xtra Magazine. December 10, 2018
Homophobia and the Sex Ed Curriculum. Toronto Teacher. Volume 6, Number 1. 2016. (Publication of Elementary Teachers of Toronto Local of ETFO).
WORLDPRIDE 2014: How We Got Here. LIVING TORONTO. June 11, 2014.
My Back Pages
some old features that hold up well

Jonathan Kozol Interview "Of course I write with a subjective bias." Writer's Digest magazine. Cincinnati: May 1997.
An Easy Lesson Our Times magazine. Toronto: March 1995.
Pop Goes Education: No Choice For A New Generation of Students The Toronto Board of Education has granted Pepsi-Cola exclusive vending-machine rights in the city's schools, in return for $1.14 million.Our Times magazine. Toronto: June/July 1994.
Interview with author Jonathan Kozol "We should deal with injustice because it's not just, not because it's expensive." The Progressive magazine. Madison: December 1991.
Other Publications
books & guides

Confronting Reality Without Compromising Principles: A Community Guide To Workfare. Toronto: Social Planning Council of Metropolitan Toronto, 1996.
Clear Lines: How to compose and design clear language documents for the workplace. Toronto: Frontier College Press, 1991.
journal articles
Peer Tutoring in Vocational Literacy Skills. Toronto: TESL Canada Journal, v7 n2 p66-74 Mar 1990
Volunteer Peer Tutoring: Human Values and Practical Considerations. Toronto: TESL Talk, v20 n1 p330-40 1990
Other Media
talking to microphones & cameras